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Using PulseView to decode data from a Tektronix oscilloscope of SPI communication to a CAN controller, MCP2515.
Using the sigrok command-line ("sigrok-cli") to bulk process data derived from Tektronix oscilloscope data of 250 kbit/s CAN traffic on a real-world system (mobile cranes). The first sample data set is 5335 oscilloscope traces obtained with the trigger set to a negative pulse on CAN-H (to start off at the end of a CAN message) - corresponding to 6.5 recessive bits, 26 µsec (detecting the in-between space between). Sometimes there is a CAN message right after this, sometimes it is a bit delayed, and sometimes it is completely empty.
A sample command line is:
sigrok-cli -P can:bitrate=250000:can_rx="CAN RX" -P timing:data="CAN RX" -I csv:header=true:samplerate=5000000 -i "T:\stdHMF\UserData\scripts\Tektronix2PulseView\_PulseView_AllChannels_ACQ000001_Tektronix_f5000000.txt"
I am mostly interested in:
- The CAN protocol decoder (that page is currently empty, but it is listed on the protocol decoders page)
- CAN bus loggers, like IXXAT's (now acquired by HMS) USB-to-CAN compact/USB-to-CAN V2 and Kvaser's Memorator.
- The higher-level CANopen protocol (on top of CAN)
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Credentials: more than 5000 edits on the English Wikipedia.